Why Airplane waxing is a must to protect your aircraft?
The most important purpose of an aviation care product like airplane wax is to protect the aircraft throughout the year. Like regular aircraft, cleaning is an essential activity. Aviation waxing also eases the aircraft cleaning. Protect the paint job One of the key aviation care products available online, Aircraft wax helps to protect your plane against spider droppings, soot, sun oxidation, rain, and wind. Washing the aircraft will help you remove dust particles, oils, salt, and acid rains that can deteriorate the paint job and airframe. However, the waxing covers your airplane with a protective film that provides a smooth and sleek coating. As a result, dust particles will not stick on the paint job, making it last longer. The paint usually contains some oils that might be evaporated if the aircraft is waxed and stays longer under the sunlight. In short, the sunlight leads to paint oxidation. And re-paint will cost you too much. Aircra...